Jan 292011
SCIFIpawty Prizes from Nylabone

OMC the doggies are gonna love these toys from Nylabone. They are tough and squeaky. What more could a dog ask for? You could win Galactic Glen, Zoomin Zoe, Astro Andy, or Spacey Stacy. Donated by Nylabone and DogToys.com to SCIFIpawty.  For these and other OUT OF DIS WORLD Nylabone products check out DogToys.com. Stay […reads more]

Jan 272011
SCIFIpawty Prizes from TokiPoki.com

This is a PAWsum prize from TokiPoki.com. We have two prize packs that include a TokiPoki.com t-shirt and membership to TokiPoki.com that will include 50 trading cards and everything else the the site offers! Check out TokiPoki.com today. Keep an eye on the quizz schedule, costume contest or other sweepstakes during SCIFIpawty for when you […reads more]

Jan 272011
SCIFIpawty Prizes from Happy Tails Books

Our friends at Happy Tails Books is donating two books for prizes. Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspiring Stories About Cats Excerpt: Excerpt: One night, as my aging cats, Tink and Sixx, smugly watched me clean out their litter box, I swore to the good Lord that once they passed, I would no longer have house cats. […reads more]

Feb 272010
PRIZES: Star Trek 20Q Game

We gotted des really cool Star Trek 20Q (Questions) games wot are shaped liked dat way cool Enterprise spaceship. O dem humanz gonna likes dis game dat fur sure. U fink of anyfing from Star Trek da game asks u questions & it figures out wot u wuz finkin like magiks! Dis pwize wuz donated […reads more]