Dis iz how we spends our affernoons.
Playin wif LEGO toys might looks like fun. But believe u me it iz hard werks. All da thwokkin and nommin of lil plastic bits can wear a kitteh out. Seems like Edgar iz da only one dat keeps on smilin even affer hours of playin. But dat understandable cause it iz monsters affer all […reads more]
Dear Santa Paws, I needs a bigger bed please. Ma hhuman2 sez dis iz a medium dog bed but no way no how. Herz also sed it iz a new bed (and wuz sposed to be fur da foster monsters…oops). Any who iffen u haz one in ur sleigh could u mehbe drop it off […reads more]
I really did not wanna get outta bed dis mornin (although the call of the noms wuz strong). I also did not want Human2 to get up or go to work today either! But Herz did anywho….Pffffft! After H2 hitted da snooze button on da loud wakey up box, herz rolled onto herz side. So […reads more]
Ma humanz did laff at me atop ma pile of mattresses. Dey sed I looked just like da Princess and da Pea. I did not know who dat wuz so dey did tell me da story of dis girl wot wuz tested to see if herz wuz a real princess. If herz a real princess […reads more]
Today iz International Towel Day. May 25th iz da day when fans decided to celebrate dat great author Douglas Adams wot writed da book The Hitchhikers Guide to da Galaxy. Iffen u haz not readed it u should it fun. In case u one of dem peoples wot haz to wait fur da moovie well […reads more]
I iz halpin Human2 buildin a Lego castle. I do so likes buildin Lego sets. Just makin sure all da Lego Bricks iz out of da box. Hai I fink mayhaps u did leave one in der. It way on da bottom of da box. Just dunt falls asleeps or da knights will fink u […reads more]