I been finkin I can tweet, tweet, tweet til ma lil paw paws hurts or I can get ma pals to halp wif promotions. And wot betterer way to motivates den wif a giveaway. Well it not just any old giveaway no way. You can wins a way cool SCIFIpawty Mug wif ma cute snoot […reads more]
WOW it iz gettin to be SCIFIpawty agin. I can no believes dat it haz been a year alreddy. Where did da time go? But it ok cause wot we are gearin up to do iz loads of fun (and hard werk, but it all worth it fur sure)! March 24th 2012 will mark da […reads more]
Ma Human2 n I do just lub dis video. I knows most everybuddy haz seed it by now, but It iz pawsumly dun and it iz fun seein which doggy iz wot Star Wars character. But to hear dem dogs singin Darth Vaders theme song — WOW! Come to da Bark Side we haz cookies […reads more]
Human2 comed home a lil while ago wif des three cool Star Trek teddy bears dat herz said were gonna be prizes for SCIFIpawty next year. So we weren’t tellin anyone about dem yet till we were reddy to starts talkin SCIFIpawty. But dat darn Piper started pullin da Spock teddy off da chair himz […reads more]
The TARDIS did materialize at ma house (via da [amazon_link id=”B004V7ZNWS” target=”_blank” ]Character Builder lego-like set wif da 11th Doctor and Amy[/amazon_link]). But dey did not stands a chance wif dis giant kitteh. I did pull dem right out of space and time to nom dem! I did eventually release ma kitteh death grip on […reads more]
I gotted a beary nice letter from da folks at One By One Cat Rescue da utter day and I wanted to shares it wif all ma pals wot comed to SCIFIpawty and wot donated money, pwizes and der time. Fanks to u we were able to makes dem kittehs lives betterer. Boris Kitty & […reads more]
WOW da anipals werld iz so PAWSUM. Der really isn’t enuff werds in da kitteh dikshunary to describe just how pawsum u iz. Last year we did da first ever SCIFIpawty and you guys rocked it. Dis year’s event we had a higher goal and not only did we meets it we did beats it!!! […reads more]
We are gearin up for SCIFIpawty wot iz sneaking up on us real fast! SCIFIpawty iz bein merged wif da official PawPawty dis year so instead of our lil one day pawty it iz now 24 hours of sci-fi fun!!! But dat means we needs more halp den ever afore. Please consider volunteering for Sekurity, […reads more]
I had human2 makes us a facebook page fur SCIFIpawty. Iffen you hab a fb account please head ovah and like SCIFIpawty so we gets tons of followers. Fank you all for ur supports. Da kittehs at One by One appreciates it beary much.
I just wanted to shows u all ma pawtograph collekshun it doz be coming along qwite nicely. I now hab Linda Blair (& Tony da doggy) & u knows about Julie Newmar (Catwoman MEOW! herz started dis whole fing) & Patrica Quinn from Rocky Horror Picture Show (wot human2 did seed 150+ times in da […reads more]