I gotted a package shoved between ma doors today. (n dat mailman wunders why i runs to da door when he comes across ma porch! I bets he finks i comin to sez hi to he…HA!) Ma package sez Royal Mails n it frum ma pal @morriscat frum Scotland (dat where dat famouse sea monster […reads more]
I gotted ROYAL MAIL yesterday. I finks dat ma humanz iz jealous cause dey start flashing bright lights in ma face makin me grouchy! Well all I can say iz dis iz ALL MINE and u all hab to keep ur paws off of it!!! Fanks u @FrugalDougal for all da funs we hab at […reads more]
I gotted dis package frum @BabyPatches momma’s stores. It iz frum ma kitteh pal Petie, but he tolded human2 dat it wuz ta go under da xmas tree. I finks dat wuz beary sneaky of dat Petie ta goes behind ma back n makes ma human promise such a fing! Bad Petie….sides we not hab […reads more]
I gotted a box frum all da way on da utter sides of the da werlds! Ma pals frum Australia did sends me a gifty, but human2 saids i could no hab it until xmas. I thoughted it wuz xmouse alreddy! Puhleez can i habs ma prezzy??? I really really wants it. Puhleez??? Purrty puhleez? […reads more]
I gotted mails! One of dem iz ROYAL! Do dat mean it frum a queen? Waits it smells like a kitteh!??!! I fink I nose who dat card is frum. It frum ma twin sisfur in Londons, Englands (dat where dat Doctor Who doz come frums). So I guess ma Royal mails iz frum da […reads more]
I did get a big box in da mails 2day! It were addressed ta me n hads fragile on da sides. It iz from ma pal Hansel wot did haz a way fun halloweenie spooktacular costume contesty. and I did wins Best Cat in Show for ma Franken-Kitty costumey! Oh wot could it be? Oh […reads more]
I got this lovely package in da mail fron ma pak Shawnee! It says I no can open it until July 4th, but I received it July 6. Do I haz to wait unnuter year before I gets to open it? I hope nots! It wus a gifty in da envelopes. I gots a nice […reads more]
Human2 and I gots up real early dis morning (6am — I did not know she could see dat time of day befores). We wuz very excited ’cause it iz ma birfaday! It not ma actuals birthday we not know when dat iz fur sure, but da humanz gotted me in late July when I […reads more]