To keep Piper off ma Bed Buddy I made Human2 gib her herz own toy. It more Piper sized. It called a PetCandy Candy Nip. It iz made of soft fleece materials and filled wif powerful good nip. Piper liked it, but fur sum reason herz wanted my Bed Buddy more! Da fringes r kinda […reads more]
Human2 comed home wif a most excellent new toy fur us kittehs from today. It iz called a Bed Buddy….no not bed buggies (we dunt likes dem and worry about getting dem every time we travel somewheres). It is a fun big catnip pillow toy wif eyes. (U can no seed dem eyes cause […reads more]
Playin wif LEGO toys might looks like fun. But believe u me it iz hard werks. All da thwokkin and nommin of lil plastic bits can wear a kitteh out. Seems like Edgar iz da only one dat keeps on smilin even affer hours of playin. But dat understandable cause it iz monsters affer all […reads more]
OMC, sumtimes I finks ma humanz r crazy. Okai I dunt really means dat, but Human2 comes home wif all des toys dat r fur kids not kittehs, but herz lets us plays wif dem. Wot up wif dat? Dis time herz comed home wif sum [amazon_link id=”B003IT5NHK” target=”_blank” ]HEXBUGS[/amazon_link]. Da first one wuz a […reads more]
I dunt knows iffen u remembers but when we gotted our cat tree fur xmas it had two (count em TWO) mice danglin off of da top tiers for dem monsters to play wif. Well soon affer gettin da cat tree (FANK U SO MUCH SANTA PAWS), dem monsters pulled da mices rite off da […reads more]
do u remember awhile back I showed u all pikshurs of Piper playin wif Human2’s Star Trek teddy bears? Well dat wuz bad, but it wuz our first time wif a kitteh dat liked plush toys too. To saving da bears frum further harm H2 buyed Piper her own plush toy. A Lamp Chop dog […reads more]
Dis how da monsters celebrates being official fambly members . We did officially adopting dem from One By One Cat Rescue on April 14, 2012. (I made sure dey runned a background check on da humanz afore agreein to dis adoption.) Dey iz no longer foster monsters. Dey r just regular monsters now. Caturday will […reads more]
Wow did we hab a busy Meow-o-Ween weekend. Yesterday wuz Chiller Theatre & today wuz da real deal wif handin out all dem Snickers bars we gotted from to all our trick-or-treaters. We had a blast decoratin da house up and getting ready. Our house guest, Lippe, wanted to dress up to hand out […reads more]