I was working in the lab late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight For my monster from his slab began to rise And suddenly to my surprise He did the mash He did the monster mash The monster mash It was a graveyard smash He did the mash It caught on in […reads more]
Wot ta do here at BorisKitty.com
Check out ma bloggy it a lot of fun. Follow me on Twitter n meet new anipals! Check out ma pikshures at TwitPic.com Friend me on facebook for more fun n games. Enter contests. Buy stuff for kittehs (Save 15% at CatToys.com). Buy stuff for Doggies (Save 15% at DogToys.com). Check out all da great […reads more]

We did go to da Camden, NJ Akwariums last weekends. I did gets ta travel to anutter states fur da first time! I iz in NJ but dat iz Philadelphias, PA back der! purrty kewl huh? Da fishies at da Akwariums did dekorate fur Halloweens wif cool Jack-o-Lanterns. See here iz anutter one…hallo der lil […reads more]

My brutter, Boris, and Human2 did makes a really cool jack-o-lantern wot doz look just like da monkey dud from ThinkGeek.com (we luvs dat place). den Human2 and I did takes it in to herz daddy in da horsepital to makes him feels better. I fink it werked hims did smile real big n […reads more]

Human2 did meet up wif oru twitter pal @ShawneeShep n herz mum in da deep dark woods today. Dey did takes a big long walkie in doz woods. I did gets ta meets Shawnee n makes a new furend. Shawnee did even gib me a ride when I gotted tired. Herz a very […reads more]

Hello werld! My name iz Edgar daKitty. I iz a plush kitty. I haz come ta live wif ma peeple n der kittehs. I haz a big brutter named Boris now. We iz tryin to make furends. He sends me out on missions ta places he cannot go. Diz iz me n ma new brutter […reads more]