Any hairball that comes off of me iz famouse, but in celebration of Hairball Awareness Day we kittehs pulled togetter wif [amazon_link id=”B0040QS3PO” target=”_blank” ]FURminator[/amazon_link] to create sum really pawsum famouse hairballs! It wuz such a red carpet event dat even covered da event. I did choosing to do Justin Beiber cause da girls fall […reads more]
Human2 always sez “We haz da technology. We can rebuild him” every time herz uses da furminator on me cause herz gets enuff fur to build a new kitteh. So dis time herz did rebuild me! Here u can seed ma Mini Me made frum ma very own furs. I am finkin of puttin it […reads more]
Way back in April we did celebrate Hairball Awareness Day wif ma pal Romeo the Cat. Telling peeples about da dangers of hairballs fur kittehs iz beary important. Dem hairballs can makes a kitteh beary sick. I fur one gets beary constipated and I can tells u dat IS NO FUN!!! My humanz brushes me […reads more]
Today is National Hairball Awareness sponsored by dem folks from FURminator. Hairballs can be a big problem for cats. Not just the hacking dem up all over da place but vomiting and constipation iz a result of hairballs too. I for one iz prone to havin poopy problems cause of hairballs! We kittehs spend 90% […reads more]