Oct 012009
Fank U ta all Anipals Wot Play #TrekDay Wif Me

I did haz quite a fun times today wif da #TrekDay on Twitter. Lots of furends joined in da fun by using da hash tags or making cool avatars. My buddy @GeorgetheDuck did make mines. It iz very pawsum! Fank u all fur joining in on my silly lil celebrashuns! @BorisKitty @flicka47 @GeorgeTheDuck @tweetypie54 @sydpie […reads more]

Jul 282009
Humanz Brought Home Germs from Doctors!

After spending all weekend halping takes care of Human2 herz comed home today from da doctors office wif germs! Herz brought both e.coli and MRSA home wif her. How dare herz do dat?! I guesses it not too bad since dem germs weren’t da real fings, fank gudness! Da germies were giant microbes dat are […reads more]