I have been having some problems with a few of the locals here! We have a couple of always outside kitties in our neighborhood. They come into my garden and mess things up. Today my humans brought in my catnip plant and it was almost all gone! Not only to the steal from us, but […reads more]

We Twitter cats were talking about the Kong Ducky refillable catnip toy (used to be known as the Dr. Noys Duck — at least that is what it was when my humans first bought it for me). My friend @Manxington gots a Ducky and he just loves it. I remembered having one and sent the […reads more]

Here are a couple of my furry friends from over at Twitter. With they prizes from fings like the #pawpawty and my little bloggy contest I had (maybe I should oughtta do another one, what’d you think?). This is PerrytheBirman (http://twitter.com/perrythebirman) with the iPOOP magnets (they is funny and so is dis picture of Perry…look […reads more]
Sockington Brags About 200K+ Followers
Hey all you Twitter kittehs. Our friend @Sockington is bragging about having over 200,000 folks following him over at Twitterz on hiz website http://www.sockington.org Who carez? I wants to know how youz can become part of the elite few that is followed by Sockington! So come to Twitterz and follows Socks and ME(@BorisKitty) !!!! Here […reads more]