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My friends over at the One By Once Cat Rescue were going to be at the Classic Harley Davidson’s Animal Rescue Food & Supply drive so I hopped on my bike and grabbed some toy donations (thanks to DogToys.com) and went out to help da animals. Scruffy and I gathered up the toys (after Boris […reads more]

Human2 said iffen I r gonna be doing so much traveling that I had to get a job. Can u believe that? Making me work to gets money for my travels. *shakes hed* So I gotted inspired by the DQ Commercial wif kittens in bubbles. Iffen they have kittehs in bubbles why not have kittehs […reads more]

I did take da Fedex Limo off to da Fedex aeroplane to go meet ma pal Mattie all da way on da utter side of the country! Teehee since I wented ground I did not really gets to fly da friendly fedex skies tho and it tooked a whole week to gets der! Gee wiz […reads more]

I wented to visit wif r Twitter pal @kittehboi aka Mr Breeze. Den r humanz wented to da Philadelphia Zoo to seed da way cool LEGO sculptures and of course da anipals der. On da way to seed Mr Breeze. Mr Breeze iz a beary nice house panther. Relaxin at da Zoo Seed da monkeys. […reads more]

We did go to da Camden, NJ Akwariums last weekends. I did gets ta travel to anutter states fur da first time! I iz in NJ but dat iz Philadelphias, PA back der! purrty kewl huh? Da fishies at da Akwariums did dekorate fur Halloweens wif cool Jack-o-Lanterns. See here iz anutter one…hallo der lil […reads more]