Da whole team Boris, Edgar and Human2 r hard at werk for next years 3rd Annual SCIFIpawty. Hope will join us. (az long az da werld doz not end). SCIFIpawty March 2012 Proceeds will once again go to One by One Cat Rescue!
We raised $700 online for the Berks Human Society and I went along with Human2 to do the walk and halp out wif the Kritter Kondo stand too! All ready fur ma walking. Boris came out to wish us well. I iz cheerin fur da Kritter Kondos YAY!
We tooked donashuns up to One By One Cat Rescue fur dat kittehs. look at all dis cool stuff dey iz getting. Lots of donashuns for kittehs YAY Boris had to come and inspekt everything… Den he just HAD to get in da box. MOL
We had r first every SCIFIpawty on Human2’s b-day and we did PAWSUM and had loads of fun. We raised over $1100 for the Animal Rescue League. YAY!!! I got in a little tribble wif dat Kirk guy. I feels a lil out of place wif des guys MOL.
I could no decides wot to wear fur Halloween. I fink Spider-man outfit mites be fur pawty costumes. And da Batman will be fur trick-or-treating! I did gets lots of treats wot we is donating to are local shelter kitties.