I gots so many friends on Twitters and I had a contest a while back and all these fine kittehs entered. http://twitter.com/SweetKittyrina http://twitter.com/bigFatLuckyCat http://twitter.com/MissTrinity http://twitter.com/monkey_cat http://twitter.com/BabyPatches http://twitter.com/HotMBC http://twitter.com/CFitz http://twitter.com/pestkaj http://twitter.com/OscarTheCat http://twitter.com/theotigsy http://twitter.com/LucyNoble http://twitter.com/chayakitty http://twitter.com/kagerothecat http://twitter.com/bubbba http://twitter.com/rosieandcheeto The prizes are CatToids Mints donated by CatToys.com (@CatToyscom) ! Here are the winners: @monkey_cat, @SweetKittyrina and @rosieandcheeto Each […reads more]
I can jumps higher than this but I was tired when we filmed this.
Boy Rubber Bands Is Fun
I brought a rubber band that I found into the living room to Human1 today and she took it from me. Then tonight I heard her snap it on her arm where she tried to hide it from me. I got so excited she decided to play with me a bit. She would snap it […reads more]
Sockington Brags About 200K+ Followers
Hey all you Twitter kittehs. Our friend @Sockington is bragging about having over 200,000 folks following him over at Twitterz on hiz website http://www.sockington.org Who carez? I wants to know how youz can become part of the elite few that is followed by Sockington! So come to Twitterz and follows Socks and ME(@BorisKitty) !!!! Here […reads more]
Silly Kitteh Eatin Peeps
Peeps is for peeples silly kitteh cats.
My fur-ends over at CatToys.com (@CatToyscom) said if I gets over 300 followers they would send presents. Not to me but to a lucky few of my many, many followers! So all yous kittehs that are following me on twitter just have to pop by here and comment on this here blog post with your […reads more]
Stripey Cats Unite
I founds this blog through using Twitter. Pretty nice stripey cat blog. Check them out.http://thatstripeycat.wordpress.com/
Tweet Tweet Twittery Tweet
Nope not birdies. Rather I am talking about Twitter. Follow my kitty exploits over at Twitter. Here is the link for all things Boris: http://twitter.com/BorisKitty
I Was a BAD Boy Today
I was allowed outside today and made a run for it. Now I am not allowed out ever again (I know that’s not true, but it still drives me nuts). I was out with my human #2 and being good by her feet when I spotted a squirrel across the street. I man a mad […reads more]