Da utter day I posted a video of me watch Cat TV. I wuz watchin ma very own DVDs made just fur kitties called Cat Sitter videos. Der are three different volumes of kitteh fun. My favorite iz Cat Sitter Volume 1 cause it haz all sorts of critters, buggies, and birds. Cat Sitter Volume […reads more]

Human2 comed home yesterday wif dis way pawsum cat toy called DA BIRD! In case u haven’t herd DA BIRD IZ DA WORD! Az u can sees by ma pikshures dis iz one pawsum toy wot I gib 4 paws up! I even lets ma sisfurs play wif it (affer I am all tired out […reads more]

I gotted to go outside today affer da mail comed (I gotted prezzies tell you all abouts dem tomorrow) and human1 gotted home from running errands. Da humanz had to mow n whack dem weeds afore i could go out too. But den I gotted to go outsides and hang in ma Kritter Kondo for […reads more]

It iz ma turn ta picks wot moovies ta watch. (Altho dem humanz said no to ma Cat Sitter DVDs…..Pffffft to dem humanz.) Hai we acided to watch dis one rite up here, kai? U makin popcorns in dat kitchen? We need popcorns for moovie nite! Wot!?! Nao u sez we iz watchin Avatar on […reads more]

Me and ma humanz do love Halloween. I do balieves it do be our favoritest howl-iday ever! We did no haz a big pawty dis year but we did haz fun making cuppie cakes and spookie cookies. Last year we did makes a Haunted Bird Feeder and Human2 did go out n finds it fur […reads more]

Ma humans did go to da Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ last weekends. Dey said dey would be seeing all kinds of neat fishies. Likes ma fishies in ma lil pond but from da oceans! Hai I did finds dat Nemo fishy wot wuz in dat moovie. Dis one here sure doz looks like Nemo. […reads more]

One of ma favoritest places ta be iz da bafroom winder. I luvs hanging out and watching birdies, squirrels and even peeples as dey go by under me. If da humanz iz using da litterbox I pounce on dem to gets up der. Dey no minds (much) and sumtimes I hangs out on da huamnz […reads more]

Human1 wuz carrying me back inside after a way too short time of playing outside when Human2 said bring he ober here! Herz wuz laying on da grass. I looked down at herz n click, herz took dis pikshure of me flying in da air! I not an upside down kitteh. Nope. Herz iz an […reads more]

I bets you no can sees me. I r hiding in da jungle waiting for bidies, squirrels or utter wildlifes to come my way. When dey do I will spring into action. Pounce I got you now! Okai, so ma biggest catch so far haz been a cricket bug. Nom nom nom! Dis is one […reads more]