Human2 gotted to Virginia late so herz stayed at a beary nice State Park Cabin. (Westmoreland State Park, Montross, Va.) Edgar wuz so tired he jumped rite into bed. He picked da biggest one for himself too! Bad Edgar. Dey had a beary nice sleep der and gotted up da next day fur to meet […reads more]
Dis iz me n Human1 sezzin good-bye to Human2 az herz heds out to Atlanta, GA fur BarkWorld Expo! Herz iz meeting up wif @Yoda_the_dogs Mom in VA den going down da rest of way in a fancy schmancy GMC Terrain….wow! I sended Edgar & he new pal Mr Bill along wif herz to keep […reads more]
Iffen u r going to BarkWorld dis weekend look fur ma Human2 & sez HI to herz. Dis iz how u can re-COG-i-nize herz. 1. Herz will be hangin out wif ma standin kitty @EdgarDaKitty. 2. Herz will most likely be wearin a Who Rescued Who T-shirt (mite be black or grey) 3. If […reads more]
We are headin to BarkWorld in Atlanta, GA dis weekend. (Ok I stayin home while I sends Human2 and Edgar da Kitty to say hai to all ma anipal furends). Human2 & Edgar will be travel wif our pal @yoda_the_dog’s mom in a GMC Terrain fanks to da #GMCBarknRide thru #Barkworld. So follow r adventures […reads more]