Jul 152010

Please keep your pets safe and be sure to post a pet alert decal on your windows (ALL ur windows). It iz a static clingy fing so it can be placed easily on any clean window and be replaced whenever you need to update your pet information (so why not buy like 12 or maybe 2 or 3 extra?). Always keep it up to date! I want all ma friends to be safe.

Fire and rescue workers know to be on the look out for these so when your not home they will halp protector your furry loved ones for you.

The American Kennel Club and ADT Security Services started National Pet Fire Safety Day to help reduce the estimated 500,000 pets affekted by home fires every year.

National Pet Fire Safety Day Tips to Keep Pets Safe from House Fires:

  • Extinguish Open Flames
  • Pet Proof the Home
  • Secure Young Pets
  • Keep Pets Near Entrances
  • Practicing Escape Routes with Pets
  • Use monitored smoke detectors
  • Affix a Pet Alert Window Cling
  • Keep Your Information Updated

A new report says dat nearly a 1000 fires are started accidentily by the family pet. They even list a bunch of tips on how to prevent fires that might be cause by your pet.

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