Nov 102010

Human2 comed home from werk today all upset because herz seed dis cute little kitty on da front page of da Daily Local News paper.

No herz wuz not upset cause dat kitty wuz on the front page and I wuz not. Herz wuz upset cause dat poor kitty wuz shot by sum very bad person. Da kittehs name iz Peanut & according to da newspaper herz wuz shot earlier dis year too! So sad. Dis time herz wuz shoot thru the upper leg wot shattered da bones and needed emergency surgery at da Brandywine Animal Hospital.

Herz surgeries wuz beary expensive ($2400+) and u knows der will more iffen Peanut gets sick or needs follow up doctor visits. Herz human haz to keep she in a cage so she not hurts herself. It gonna be months afore Peanut iz better (like Valentine’s Day).

It doz hurts ma heart to seed dis kitteh wif dis big owie.

Please read Peanuts story over at da newspaper’s website and let’s pull together to halp Peanut. Member every lil bit halps so even iffen it only a couple of green papers it will add up (just please to remember paypal will takin a nice chunk so when all iz sed & dun we will send az close to da total az possible to Peanut’s human).

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