Jan 112012

Show of paws…Who maded a New Year’s Resolution?

Now show of paws….who has broked it alreddy?

Takes a look at da Halo, Purely for Pets  survey of over 1,000 pet parents and wot der resolutions were. Affer checkin dem out leave me a comment telling me wot u resolved to do in 2012 and iffen u keepin it so far.

88.7% of pet parents plan to help their pets get more exercise. Here’s how:
62.4% – more walks
68.3% – play with them more
30.3% – find a new game to play
2.9% – take a Doga class
1.9% – get into extreme sports
20.2% – go to the dog park more often
15.8% – run my cat up and down stairs

Weight loss….
45.9% plan to help their pets lose weight in 2012. Here’s how:
44.8% – feed better quality food
35.1% – feed less food
34% – give fewer treats
33% – give more nutritious treats
68.7% – get more exercise
10.9% – plan a program with their vet

New tricks
48.1% plan to teach their pets new tricks this coming year

Healthy Eating…..
69.4% plan to feed their pets higher quality food

86.8% plan to groom their pets more regularly. Here’s how:
68.1% will trim nails more regularly
52.7% plan to bathe their pets more regularly
80.3% are going to brush their pets more regularly
35.5% will start giving their pets supplements for their coat and skin
50.1% plan to brush their pet’s teeth more often
33.2% are going to start using natural grooming products

94.1% plan to help pets in need. Here’s how:
11.5% – adopt a new pet
11.5% – foster a pet
69.8% – donate to a rescue or shelter
45.5% – play Freekibble.com or Freekibblekat.com
65.6% – continue what i’ve been doing!

Other Resolutions….
-Take them to the beach
-Hand making toys and cushions for them
-More rides in the car
-Buy a new scratching post
-Visit hospitals and retirement homes to make people happy
-Make sure he drinks more water
-Build new cat tress
-Train dog to ride to the dog park in his Harley side car
-Bring them with me more places
-Open her own savings account for vet emergencies

And da biggest response?
Pet parents would like to spend more time with their pets and love them even more than they did in 2011!

Dat’s da one for me!


These results are from Halo, Purely for Pets, which surveyed more than 1,000 pet parents to find out their New Year’s Resolutions.

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