Jul 262010

Do u remember awhile back we had to take ma sisfur Abby to da V-E-T cause herz wasn’t feeling so good. Well herz had an abscess and herz blood work showed her thyroid wuz not working properly so herz wuz givin lots of pills to takes. So da humanz went right out & buyed her Pill Pockets. One bag of chicken and one bag of salmon. Pill Pockets are da bestest best way to give a cat a pill. Believe you me!

Den ma friends over at Greenies sended us some samples of their new Allergy Formula Pill Pockets. These are duck and pea and great for cats and dogs wot have allergies to common proteins and carbohydrates that are used in most treats. Besides that these new Duck Pill Pockets taste absolutely PAWSUM!!!

Abby actually waits on the table every morning for her pills herz lubs dem Duck Pill Pockets so much.

Look how herz runs across da table when herz sees dem coming.

Nom nom nom. Since Abby lubbed dem Pill Pockets so much Bela and I had to try dem too (we did not have medicines in ours, we just tried da treats). We loved dem too. They are nommy.

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