Jun 282010

Way back in April we did celebrate Hairball Awareness Day wif ma pal Romeo the Cat.

Telling peeples about da dangers of hairballs fur kittehs iz beary important. Dem hairballs can makes a kitteh beary sick. I fur one gets beary constipated and I can tells u dat IS NO FUN!!!

My humanz brushes me regularly but dat not enuff. I sheds all da time. So when we gotted a FURminator we did gib it a try. BOY DID WE GET DA HAIRS OFF OF ME!!!

I nose, I nose dat doz not looks like a lot of furs, but I did only lets Human2 Furminates my stripey areas and only on dis side. Den I put da bitey on da FURminator. I just no likes too much brushin at one time iz all. So I gets a lil bit of FURminatin every day now.

Fanks u FURminator fur makin such a great furs removin product. Human2 lubs dat FURejector dat dis FURminator comed wif. Makes it ez to keeps goin on a kitteh likes me dat will only lets u brush fur so long.

We gib da FURminator 4 paws up!

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