Sep 172012

Take a lil Toki wif u wherever u go. Check out da way cool new Pawparazzi set featurin ma pal Toki (of…dem cool folks dat make dem cool trading cards). Human2 gotted to meet da real Toki at BlogPaws but I did not gets to meets her in real lifes.

pawparazzi toki

I can no waits to gets ma paws on dis cute lil Toki! Herz comes wif all kinds of cool accessories too.  Here da set descripshuns: Toki, Pro Racecar Driver, is racing for the Pawzoil Cup trophy at the Tail-a-daga Super Speedway. Set Includes: Pet (Toki), Purse, Blanket, Trading Card, Collector’s Booklet, Hat, Collar, Race Magazine, Winner’s Trophy, 8.5″ x 11″ Poster, and Race Track Playstage.

pawparazzi toki

You can buy the new Toki Pawparazzi set right from or you can get her at where a portion of the sale will be donated to to contribute to canine cancer research plus u will gets a few extra goodies like a special 5-pack of Toki Poki® pet trading cards, which includes Toki’s card, plus a Toki Poki® charm band!

I lub des lil toys. I seed dem at Toys R Us last year n almost made H2 get me one den. Glad I waited since I know da doggy I will be getting!

Des r toys fur lil humans not pets. I fink any lil human would lub to haz der own Toki, don’t u?

I am currently runnin a campaign to haz dem folks at Pawparazzi makes a Boris Kitty set next. A geek kitteh wif a pooter n iPawd n necktie n pocket protector….mehbe wif a sekret identity of a supah kitteh wif a lil cape to go out n halp rescue animals wif small leaps n big naps. Wot u finks?

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