Dec 192012

DougalToday I would likes to honor ma pal Frugal Dougal who did leave dis world a much better place just fur habbin been in it.

We learned last nite dat sweet Dougal would be makin da trip ovah da rainbow bridge and I sat wif Human2 and cried wif herz while we thought about how much dat little doggy across da ocean did mean to us. We neber got to meet he in real life but lub he just dat same.

He was one of da firstest pals to welcome me on twitter at a time when me and H2 really needed sum friends. Over da years he halped inspire me to action wif all da good werk he did wif pawpawty and halped me start ma annual ScifiPawty wif da halp of his staff.

I just knows hims staff is heartbroken as we all are.

Dougal you are ma hero & I will miss u ma pal.


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