May 082010

Yesterdays my sisfur Abby did hab to go to da V-E-T. Herz just not acting like herz self lately so da humanz made a disappointment fur her n tooked her in right aways.

Gud fing to when da nurse wuz takin her temperatures herz seed a sore on her backside.

Da doctor sez it wuz an abscess and did lance it right away. Human2 could hears dat poor Abby crying and crying.

Da doctor wanted to make sure dat da sore wuz not cause by diabetes so dey tooked sum of Abby’s bloods and did tests on it. Herz not haz problems wif da sugars fank gudness, but herz thyroid is outta whack so herz haz two pills herz haz ta takes now.

We not gonna shows u da hole in herz tail cause it really gross, but will let u nose it az big az a finger nail and deep too. (Dr sez 3 to 4 teaspoons of pus n yuck comed out when herz lanced it…ewwwww….poor Abbles.)

Herz goes back to da V-E-T in 3 weeks for more blood werks n hopefully dat hole will be healed over too.

So while der iz many utter kittehs wot needs ur pwayers plz keeps Abby in ur hearts too…fanks.

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