Mar 032012

I gotted dis PAWSUM new tent (aka Mancat-cave) from ma pal Snuffy Norton-Bearmani. He maded it wif his beary own paws. He a beary talented bear dat fur sure. He makes bear clothes and bears and tents (o my — MOL).

Boris in Tent

Da pillow iz so soft and comfy I started kneading and kneading it. I really do lub it. I hopes I will not have to sharin it wif da foster monsters!

We had to send Human2 out to gets da tent poles cause it woulda maded da box to big to sendin dem wif da tents. But it wuz not hard to find da flexible tubes in da Plumbing Department at our local Lowes Store. Herz comed home and measured dem up and cutted dem to fit and viola! I gotted a tent!

No Girls Allowed

I dunt knows wot Phoebe finks herz iz doin checkin it out fur. Herz will no be allowed inside here…no way no how!

I needs a NO GURLS ALLOWED sogn for ma tent.

We gotted some really….REALLY pawsum mice too wot were also paw-made by Snuffy. One fur each of us so we did no hab to fite ovah dem. Snuffy iz a great pal.  Take a look at us playin wif dem.

Girls affer da Snuffy Mice Piper gots a mousey! Phoebe bats a mousey about

Silly foster monsters dunt knows how to play wif mices. Dis how you doz it.

Dis how its dun Getting da mousey Bunny Kicks

Now dats how it iz dun.

Fanks u Snuffy


pawsum Tent

Check out Snuffy’s websites fur sum pawsum stuffs fur ur Teddy Bears
(and kittehs too).

Furpersons Bears and Cat Toys

House of Bearmani Haute Couture for Your Special Teddy Bear

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