Mar 202013

Just like last year’s contest we gonna start takin your entries for the costume contest starting now.

Just up load ur photo (real or virtual) into ur favorite photo sharing site (Twitpic, flickr, photobucket, twitter, ur own bloggy wotever). Den hop over here and post ur linky to dat pikshur in da comments of dis post. All entries must be received before end of SCIFIpawty (3.23.13) and judging will be done by Edgar daKitty, Human1 & special guest judge ALF who comed all da way from Melmac to judgin dis year’s contest!

Winners will be announced early next week after da pawty.

When tweetin ur entry be sure to using #SCIFIpawty in ur tweets. Judges can be bribed. Simply hab ur pals tweet dat dey finks ur costume iz da bestest of all #SCIFIpawty and it just mite sway dem judges. MOL

Der will be pwizes fur

  • Best Dog Costume
  • Best Cat Costume
  • Best Plushy or Other Anipal Costume

Prizes fur dis contesty are brought to u  by da letter W, da number 5, Fat Cat & Boris Kitty!  

Doggy prize is: Classic Terrible Nasty Scaries Dog Toy Set of 2 Toys

Kitteh prize is: (5 toys in all) Classic Cracklers Cat Toy Series Set of 3 ToysClassic EEEKs! Cat Toy Series Set of 2 Toys

Plushie pwize is: a plushie sized #SCIFIPAWTY Flask Necklace  or any scifipawty item of der choice (up $20 in value).


So post ur costuem pikshur linky below and be sure to include ur @twitter name so we can let everybuddy knows who da winners r next week!


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