Jul 182015

Selfie SticksWe gots a cool selfie stick to review. This is the 2Charge Bluetooth Selfie Stick and it is pretty nifty. We never tried a selfie stick before so dis wuz a whole new experience for us.

There were no instructions in the box, just the selfie stick, a wrist strap and USB cable. We plugged the USB cable into the stick handle and into a charger and a light came on. When it was done charging the light went off. The stick itself was pretty easy to figure out as far as putting the phone into the monopod and setting up the Bluetooth to activate the shutter. But we think a small instruction sheet would have been handy.

Self StickThe Bluetooth seemed to drop connection with my iPhone a couple of times so I had to go back into the settings and reconnect. This could be a bit of a pain if I was trying to get a group shot and they all had to keep waiting for me to get ready, but for now it is just me and Human2 so no biggy.

Being Bluetooth it needs to be kept charged and there is no way of knowing when the device has a low charge or no charge except when it will no longer connect to your phone.

It is telescoping so you can make it the purrfect length to get the purrfect shot. There adapter that holds the camera has a “locking” angle feature so that you can angle the phone just so (helps you be able to keep the stick itself out of the photo). However, this plastic screw does not really get tight and since you can move the position of the camera without loosening the wingnut I feel this will be the weakest link on the device.

Selfie SticksMy humanz hab never been one for selfies but we knows plenty of folks like to be in front of da camera and dis will help dem take better photos of dem selfs and der friends without having to asking strangers walking by to take a photo and possibly run off wif der expensive cameras.

More info about dis 2Charge Bluetooth Selfie Stick can be found over at Amazon.com.

Just a little warning: before heading out to your vacation spot make sure you will be able to use a selfie stick at your location and ALWAYS be safe when using it. Places like Disney parks have banned the use of selfie sticks because they can be dangerous to u and others.

Disclaimer: I gots dis item free or at a deep discount to do an honest review of the product and dats wot u hab here. Paw to heart I hab not been told wot to meow about here.


My first selfie using dis selfie stick


Selfie wif H2

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