Feliway sez dey r da secret to happy cats. At least dat iz der tag line. We are mostly happy cats round here (now dat I am used to da monsters livin in ma house), but Phoebe iz a bit of a loner n a bit of a scaredy cat too. So when the Blog Paws Blogger Network wuz lookin fur volunteers to try da Feliway Diffuser we stuck our paws straight up in da air and screamed me me me! Well turns out dey heard us cause we were chosen to be apart of dis bloggy campaign.
We received our product pretty quick once we were chosen (quick delivery is always a good sign — way to go EntirelyPets).
However, da packaging left a lot to be desired. We certainly hope dat EntirelyPets does not send out dis kind of product in a padded envelope on a regular basis. We were lucky and the only thing destroyed in the envelope was the box. The box was smashed so bad that the diffuser and the refill were loose inside the envelope. Like I said, we hopes dis wuz sent to us on the cheap cause we were reviewing dis product fur free and they did not wanna send it in a nice box that would have protected the contents better (shipping costs can be expensive we knows).
No liquid had spilled and the diffuser only had the outlet prongs slightly pushed together. That was easy to fix and no other damage was apparent.

Dis iz da state our package arrived in. Everyfing wuz okay but it looked skeery til we inspected everyfin.
We got excited when we saw that the Feliway box showed a kitteh hiding under covers on it. This is one of da fings dat Phoebe does the most. And we were hopeful that this product wuz gonna halp her wif dat.
Feliway iz a synthetic pheromone similar to cat’s facial pheromone that is released when we kittehs give somefin a good cheek rub. Da pheromone marks dat sumfin az ours n we knows it to be safe n secure. So by usin dis product we hopes to make more of da house safe n secure fur Phoebe.
Phoebe iz a willin participant and sed let’s get this thing plugged in already! The refill wuz extremely easy to put into the diffuser and all you have to do is plug it into an open outlet. The plugs actually rotate, which is very helpful. We only have sideways outlets where we wanted to use this and the other outlets already had big plugs in them and the unit just would not fit there. So da handy dandy rotating plug iz a major plus.
Piper points out one of Phoebe’s hiding spots. She also likes to be on a chair that is pushed in under the table, hangs out in tunnels & tents, behind & under the sofa (this one we don’t like cause it iz a recliner sofa). She comes out to rub up on me and play wif sisfur sometimes, but mostly she iz on her chair or under sumfin. We want herz to be a happy cat.
After about two and a half weeks we started to see a little bit of a difference with Phoebe. She seems to be out in the living room with us a little more and has even been playin with Piper a bit more (but I sumtimes fink Piper bullies her a bit n dats why herz hides). I fink we might get anutter refill when dis runs out and see if it continues to improve. We did not expect this to be an over night fix but a slow gradual one. Phoebe is coming out of her shell a bit and it may even be halpin me a lil too. I hab been spotted playin a little more than usual lately too.
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post written on behalf of The BlogPaws Pet Bloggers Network for EntirelyPets all thoughts and opinions are our own (however dis disclaimer iz not rs). No kittehs were harmed in da making of dis bloggy post (well mehbe a little thwok).