Mar 102014

BORIS CATSMOS CARDI hab been over at making ecards and habbin a pawsum fun time. Dey just got started up but dey still hab plenty to choose from wif new content comin all da time. Being da scifi geek & nerdy kitteh dat I am I got der just in time. We watched The Cosmos last night on FOX (it is on agin tonite on Nation Geographic channel too) and they hab a bunch of CATSMOS and MEOWTER SPACE cards you can make and send to friends. You can share on twitter, facebook and pinterest too.

Da service is fun and silly kinda like Jib Jab, but cheaper (only $10 per year), ders no videos it iz just e-cards.  Oh and da best part about membership iz dat 10% of da profits go to animal shelters. So u gets to halp out needy anipals while habbin fun!

Right now, dem CATMOS cards r free (and dey habbin a contesty dat could score u a free membership….der be more chances to win free memberships comin up later in ma post so keep on readin).

It iz so easy to makes a card. Da interface iz easy n u edit da photo right when u making da card.  First, pick ur CATegory and choose ur card design.

cards from cats 1

Noticed how I picked da MOOVIES wif all da cool scifi stuffs? MOL

Den u just uploading ur photo into der site and use da ERASE tool to get rid of da background. When u cleaned up ur photo u can save it to ur PC and use it agin and agin makin different cards! It savings da file az a transparent PNG file.

Cleanin up baby Boris

We are not very good wif da erasing tool (too used to makin paths n such in photoshop). But guess wot? U can removes ur background in photoshop (or wotever) and savin it az a PNG file den upload dat into da site and u gots card! Just position, resize, tilt, add extra clipart or text and away u goes!

Derz a CATMUNITY where u share ur cards n get to see utter peeps cards. Right now it iz full of BORIS KITTY cards. MOL


Teehee ders a whole nutter row of me too dat u dunt see in ma pikshur here.

It is a new site so der some glitches, but dey r werkin on dem and dey appreciates it iffen u gib dem feedsback on problems u were habbin. I had a card dat would not let me add text, but it might hab been my slow wifi on my laptop cause next card I could add text n clipart. Da only real draw back I can see is da resize tool. It jumps up or down in set increments. It would be nice if it let u grab a corner n resize to actually fits into da image. Check out ma astronauts pikshurs. Ma hed iz either too small or too big. No just right fur dis baby bear.

too small Too Big

I will be sharin ma cards on facebook, pinterest and twitter n I be interested in hearin wot u finks of dem, okai? Also I did hears from one of da hed humanz ovah at dat der gonna be comin along real soon. Hai, dey had to start wif kittehs affer all we do controls da interwebs!

Alritey, I bet ur wunnerin bout dat free memberships I wuz talkin about earlier, huh? Well dem nice peeps at did gib me sum Furry Codes to gib away durin SCIFIpawty so you will gets ur chance to wins a year membership durin da pawty!

Disclaimer: I wuz given a code by da site to doz a review. All da opinions r my own. Affer all hab u ever tried to force an opinion (or anyfin fur dat matter) on a cat? I dare u try n make a cat do or say) anyfin it doz not wanna do! 

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