Mar 062014

Kids Book My Dog, My Cat

[amazon_link id=”1933718226″ target=”_blank” ]My Dog, My Cat by Ashlee Fletcher[/amazon_link]

Published by Tanglewood

This is a pawsum little board book for the furless kittens in ur life, ages 2-4. The book points out all da differences between cats and dogs, like dogs bark and cats meow. But all the differences in the world don’t mean a thing when your similarities top them all! Loving ur human! Board books r pawsum for little paws….er….hands but we only gots to see da ebook, which still had all da same great content and cute, colorful cat & dog images. Beary cute book.

Book Description: In this bright new picture book, the author describes all the differences between her dog and cat, who don’t always get along. Her dog barks; her cat meows. Her dog likes steak; her cat likes tuna. Her dog’s tongue is wet; her cat’s tongue is rough. But the story ends on a delightfully sweet note when the author also tells us what her dog and cat have in common – a love of pizza and a love of their owner. The strong lines and fresh colors will make this book an appealing read as children learn about normal behaviors for the two most popular pets, and that even the most different of creatures can find things in common.

[amazon_link id=”1933718226″ target=”_blank” ]Available at as a board book or Kindle edishun[/amazon_link].


Disclaimer: I wuz given an ebook by da publisher to read n review. All da opinions r my own. Affer all hab u ever tried to force an opinion (or anyfin fur dat matter) on a cat? I dare u try n make a cat do )or say) anyfin it doz not wanna do! 

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