Jan 022013

Dis is Peanut da week herz wuz rescued.

Remember a few weeks before Catmouse I did tell you about sweet lil Peanut dat ma furrend did rescue out of da alley behind her house? Herz wuz abused & thrown away likes trash, but ma furrend saved herz & took good cares of her until herz wuz old enuff dat we could askin ma pals at One By One Cat rescue to halp her.

Dey agreed to take her in to a foster fambly so herz could get used to people and utter kitties (ma furrend only haz doggies). Da weekend herz wuz goin to foster home wuz da first week H2 wuz doin Xmas photos fur 1×1 at Petsmart and Peanut came to spend da day. LOADS of people looked at her and lubbed her, but herz wus still not reddy fur a forever home (even tho herz wuz at da vets & dey sed herz wuz good and sweet and gibbed her owie shots).

Peanut and Santa

Peanut asking Santa fur a forever home.

Peanut even asked Santa Claus for a forever & ever home wif someone dat would ub her & not hurt her like dem mean humanz did.

Well da beary next Caturday wuz anutter adoption day & a lady wot seed Peanut on facebook wuz comin to meets her. Da human wuz beary moved by her sad story and her beary cute face.

Well both Peanut & da human fell in lub wif each utter & herz adopted Peanut dat beary day!

HOW PAWSUM IZ DAT? Peanut had a brand new home fur da holidays only affer a few weeks of being rescued from dat alley!

Not all kitties r dis lucky & many stay in da adoptions centers & foster care for a beary long time. Please consider making a new years resolution to halp dem kitties until dey gets adopted. U can make a single donation or even sponsor a kitteh out right.



Peanuts news human!

Peanut alreddy to go to her new home fur da holiday!

Peanut alreddy to go to her new home fur da holiday!


Peanut & her new human hedded home fur Xmas!

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