May 152015

Human2 gotted to meet da new guy, Rascal, at da shelter today and fell in love and dat wuz even afore herz had to run him into da vet’s for emergency wif his footy paw!

One By One Kitty Rascal

Wot iz wrong wif hiz footy paw u askin? He dun hurted himself somehow and we dun’t knows how!

Some how dat sweet purr box gotted all da skin sliced off his left paw pad! He left a bloody trail for Human2 to follows. But how it happened is still a mystery.

Here wot happened….(I pulled dis from da fundraiser H2 setup to halp wif his BIG vet bill).

One by One RascalRascal is a former One by One kitty that was recently returned to the shelter when is adoptive owner went into a nursing home and no one in the family would take him in. Rascal is about 10 years old and VERY over weight (27.5 lbs). 1×1 has him on a diet and trying to get him to exercise (he can’t see very well, but he tries to play.

Today when Human2 was at the shelter helping out herz stayed and played with the big guy. Escapade was out and about and it was just her and the 2 kitties in Rascal’s room. The door was open but Rascal wasn’t going anywhere or so H2 thought. She left the room for a minute and when she came back Rascal was gone! No biggy. There was no where to go and other kittehs have had run of the halls before.

Rascal was found in the hallway in the back corner of the building. When he saw H2 he took off toward the kitchen and under a counter where he started meowing and crying. H2 got him back into his room without much fuss, but noticed a trail of bloody paw prints from the kitchen to Rascal’s room.

When Human2 inspected Rascals paw she noticed dat the pad was turn off! So she got hold of 1×1 folks and they had her take him to the vet ASAP.

Rascal of One By OneHe indeed did something to his paw pad and they would have to try and fix it with surgery. Poor guy. H2 got a better look at the paw and it looked like all the skin covering the pad was now just a loose flap. The vet said he could see a puncture wound on the one toe too. (sorry H2 was too grossed out to take a photo of his footy)

What did this boy do!?

He is in surgery now and One by One could really use your help in covering the vet bills. This procedure alone is estimated at about $500 but he may need to stay at least a night in vet-jail and get antibiotics and follow up visits we are sure. So we are starting our $800 which we hope will cover this portion of his emergency care (If he needs more we wil make updates here and of course we will keep you all updated on his recovery process too.)


You can donate to One By One to help with Rascal’s vet bills here:

Fanks you

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