Oct 162009

Today iz National Feral Cat Day. Dis day iz ta make awareness of the feral kitteh problems around da country and to halp peeples understands dat dem “wild” kitties needs ta be caught, fixed n put back. (Also known az TNR or Trap-Neuter-Release.)

Ma humanz cuzin iz carin fur sum ferel farm cats wot just had kittens a little while back. Herz haz found furever homes fur two of dem and still needs ta finds homes fur da utter 2 from dat litter n 1 more frum anutter litter. Den herz iz taking da mommies into be spayed. But dey iz not being released az ma dey iz now ma cusin kittehs!

We fink dis iz beary importants and deserves close attenshuns frum everbuddy. Please look into feral kitty programs in your area n halp dem out.Need a place to starts? Check out Alley Cat Allies for loads of infurmations on what u can do ta halp.

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