Nov 052012

1x1 kittyDid u knows dat dis week (November 4th to da 10th) is National Animal Shelter (and Rescue!) Appreciation Week?

All us rescued kittehs n doggies sure do appreciate shelters n rescues cause iffen it weren’t for dem we would not have found our wunnerful humans dat we live wif today.

I sent Human2 ovah to da One By One Cat Rescue‘s adoption days dis weekend to taking pikshurs of da kitties and to delivering some toys n noms for dem kittehs in da rescue. We gonna drop sumfings off at our utter favorite shelter (Humane Society of Berks County) sum time dis week too! Just so dey knows we really appreciates all dat dey do!

Wot can u do to appreciate shelters dis week?

  • U can donates sum moneys (I haz ma SCIFIpawty page up n reddy fur donashuns for One By One Cat Rescue). any amount big or small it all halps dem halp animals in need!
  • Cleans out ur closets and take ur old (but clean) blankies and towels to da shelters.
  • Check a shelters “want list” and take dem some items dey really need. (Often times dey need fings like paper towels, windex, soap…u names it dey needs it).
  • Follow shelters n rescues on Twitter and RT (retweet) der posts.
  • Like shelters n rescues on facebook and share der posts.
  • Post a fank u post on facebook, twitter or blog.
  • Volunteer even if you can only spend an hour a week der or one day a month ur halp cleanin cages, walkin dogs or socializin animals will be a big halp.
  • Donates an item when shopping at or (dey send out regular donations to shelters n rescues year round. Same wif Petsmart. Next time u in da store donate a buck or 2.

Loads of ways fur u to say fanks for all da fings dey do!


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