Okai so it wuz really Human2 dat got to witness da kitteh bein saved, but I got all excited when herz comed home and told me about it.
Da utter week H2 stopped by da Humane Society of Berks County like she do to drop off donations (dis time goodies for der raffle durin the Walk for the Animals next week).
Affer visitin sum kittehs inside herz happened upon des two guys n one of the HSBC volunteers outside standin round da storm drain in front of her car.
Being da nosy busy-body dat herz iz, H2 walked ovah to see wot wuz wot. Turned out der wuz a kitteh inside dat storm drain. Don’t knows how hims got himself in der but it wuz not easy to get hims out. Da guys wot were tryin could not get der big long man arms down far enuff to reach he.
And he seemed like such a sweetie too. When dey were reachin down to get him he flopped down n rolled over gibbin ground cheek rubs lookin like he wanted belly rubs! But ploppin down like dat only made it harder to reach him. Silly guy!
Finally, another HSBC staff purrson came out wif a net and noms (net would neber hab werked dats fur sure). Luckily da little guy wuz hungry and reached up to get some of da wet noms off a stick and dats when da guy halpin grabbed he by da scruff and pulled he out of dat tiny, narrow openin in da grate.

He looks good n healthy! Could hab drowned or starved in da storm drain! Hope he lerned a lesson to stay out of dem.

The nice guys dat halped rescue dis kitteh are both freshmen at Albright College.
Der names are Kevin Parker n Brandon Brown (sorry not sure which iz which)
Thanks to des two fellows from Albright College wot were payin attenshun n heard da mews comin from dat storm drain dis lil guy wuz saved! *HI PAW*
Update: Human2 just called HSBC about dis guy. He had gone from da Reading Center ovah to Douglasville adoption center but just comed back cause hims got sicky. Please keep he in ur pwayers dat he gets betterer n a forever n ever home! #Pawcircle