Oct 222015

Momma Kitty


My heart is breaking.

There is still a chance we can save her! One By One is trying to pull her from the shelter.

My furrend had a very pregnant lil black kitty show up on her doorstep about 11 weeks ago. She brought her in off the streets in hopes that our favorite shelter would be able to help her. They have stepped up to save/foster/adopt out her four babies (all of which are super adorbs). But this little momma cat is being a bit of a problem child for them. I am hoping to raise enough money for One By One so they can take her in, spay and vet her. So we are talking a few big bucks. My friend just cannot afford to keep her (plus she is not happy about Max my furrends male kitteh, but I think that is because she saw him as a threat to her new babies…but we won’t know until she is given a chance to be around other cats without her babies around her either).

I am starting a new YouCaring page to help this kitty in particular out. I am hoping to get enough to cover those vetting bills and maybe her room/board some where that will not put her down. She is a terribly sweet little girl (I do mean little not much more than a kitten herself and she should never have had kittens.) She did great as a mom cat and I know she will make someone a loving pet if given that chance.

She has been penned up in a large dog crate since she was taken in and, quite frankly, needs to be able to get out and exercise and have a room of her own some where. This is not fair to this precious girl and we need your help to get her out of the situation and into a good foster or home of her own. Please help if you can.

Donate here: https://www.youcaring.com/one-by-one-cat-rescue-455513

Momma Kitty Momma Kitty Momma Kitty

She will most likely be taken to one of the two big “shelters” in our area after Halloween (because we all know how bad it can be for mostly black cats any time but more so around this time of year). So time is short and those places are not no-kill like One By One that is why we have to do what we can to get One By One to step and save this little girl. Please help!

We have like 2 weeks to convince them (through our donations) that this little girl is worth saving. 

Her kittens are all in foster care, already adopted or on their way to adoptions. Please let’s get her a home too!



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