Feb 082012

330 days. Dats all da time we gotted to hab wif Tippy. We did get her and her daughter, Drizzle way back in March of last year. Drizzle gotted sick and crossed da rainbow bridge a few short months affer we gotted her. Wot made Tippy beary sad and depressed. Herz gotted FIP and gotted real sick real fast. Turns out almost a year later her mother, Tippy, wound up wif da beary same disease. It iz a horrible disease and now we haz to worry about da new foster monsters getting it too. We not sure how we going to be able to go on not knowing iffen one day one of us kittehs could get sick too, but now iz fur celebratin da life of Tippy no matter how short it wuz. We gonna miss dat foster monster.

Tippy n Drizzle

Tippy lubbed pinnin down Drizzle n gibbin her licky baths. After Drizzle passed Tippy would do dis wif da mini monsters too.

Tippy Worlds Best Foster Monster

Herz lubbed boxes. But not az much az herz lubbed herz rattle balls. Herz would play fetch for hours. And meow while carryin da balls round da house until u played wif herz.

Tippy Tip Top

Herz lubbed being on top of da catty stacks and sleepin on da pink pillows.

Tippy Paintin

But wot I finked herz lubbed da bestest wuz paintin on da iPad.

Tippy Paintin

Every time Human2 would go up stairs Tippy would run up ahead of herz and sit on da bed waitin fur da iPad to be turned on.

Tippys Paintin

Here iz one of her many many paintins herz did makes. Herz wuz beary good at doing wot herz lubbed so much.

Tippy Teaches Monsters

Tippy even teached da mini monsters how to paint, but nobuddy paints like Tippy did.

Tippy Paintin Some More

Tippy enjoyed grooming with the best of dem kittehs, but paintin trumped even baths.

Tippy Tappy Pile

We often had Tabby piles cause Tippy liked to be snuggled (more by kittehs den by da humanz).

Tippy n Phoebe in Window

Tippy enjoyin a sunpuddle wif Phoebe.

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