Jul 162011

Yesterday wuz da Blog da Change challenge wot I did miss, but I wuz gonna do sumfin on sharing ur home wif a couple extra kitties by adoptin or fosterin kittehs frum your local shelter. I knows not everybuddy can do dis but most shelters also hab a virtual adoption where u sponsor da kittehs wif a monthly gift until dey iz adopted.

All des options halp saves the lives of cats.

But I finks ma humanz did takes dis Be da Change fing a lil too far!

Today dey dun went to cat sit our furrends kittehs, but comed home wif two (COUNT DEM TWO) foster sisfurs!

Now I gotta share MA STUFFS wif 2 more kittehs. Dis iz not right and I will be doing a lot of hissing and growling for the next week or so. Pffffft.


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