May 202011

You knows how I takes all kinds of donations over to the Animal Rescue League of Berks County and usually come back with photos of Human2 playing with the kittehs too? Well yesterday when herz took over the doggy treats to the ARL and went in to play with the kitties as usual they YELLED at her for taking pictures of the cats playing with the toys she had just given them!

Can you believe that?

So we don’t have any photos of their sweet faces lighting up with their new toys just the donation sitting out front of the ARL as we waited for them to open the door. I am sorry.

Apparently the ARL (Animal Rescue League of Berks) had been called on some of their practices and/or conditions of the shelter after someone posted pictures on facebook or some where. Instead of addressing the real issues they decided to ban photographers.

Human2 did speak with the director of the ARL and he tried to placate her as best he could and that he will try to get her permission from the board to bring her camera into the ARL. Human2 was told that they have a media person that does a “great” job and they don’t need help from supportive people like us that are only trying to get the animals adopted or get more people out there involved in helping the animals.

I had been sorely disappointed in the past by the ARL and have NEVER liked that they are a kill shelter, but they are the official animal control of Reading now and have gotten a lot better than they were in the past, so I stuck by them and will continue to donate because the animals in their care need the help not because the staff there is any good. (We have always had an issue with the unfriendly way we had been treated when we visited there.)

So that being said, we will concentrate on helping the shelters that appreciate our unique way of helping them out — One By One Cat Rescue and Humane Society of Berks County. Both of which have always treated us with nothing but kindness and extend to us every opportunity to photograph the animals in their care. Because they know our efforts can help save the life of the animals we feature here and on facebook or Twitter.

I does break our heart, but going forward you will hear less and less about ARL as I don’t want to simply list the treats or toys we donate, I want to SHOW you the animals that are receiving these donations and how much they appreciate them even if the humans that care for them don’t.

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