Apr 282011

I gotted a beary nice letter from da folks at One By One Cat Rescue da utter day and I wanted to shares it wif all ma pals wot comed to SCIFIpawty and wot donated money, pwizes and der time. Fanks to u we were able to makes dem kittehs lives betterer.

Boris Kitty & Kelly too,

Thanks to all your hard work and love for the cats, One By One received a check from FirstGiving for $1,533.33 from your SCIFIpawty!   Boris Kitty’s SCIFIpawty was Pawsum!

Boris expressed his appreciation to everyone – “I cannot sez fanks u enuff to everybuddy wot halped out wif dis event.”, we’ll add to that by saying, thank you Boris & Kelly, we are overwhelmed by your kindness!!!

thank you so very much,
Karen (One by One)

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