Jan 012011

We had snows so I went out to inspekt it before Boris  went outside.

I found bunny tracks. I finks @ZackRabbit wuz here.
So I builded a snow bunny.
Den Boris comed out and inspekted ma werk.
He sed it wuz AOK.
Apr 052010

I dressed up az da Easter Bunny to hide eggs for Boris to find. We filled dem wif hiz favorite noms so he could sniff dem out.

He did ok during praktice.

He tried to get me to tell him where they all were.

He eventually finded all but one.
Oct 292009

Da humanz did werks really hards makin dis leafs pile n i did just haz ta jumps rite in n haz sum fun in it. Ma brofur Boris would haz dun it but he not allowed out by da road. N human2 wuz rite der wif me so i wuz okai!

See how much funs I did habs in dat leafs pile! Fall iz fun.

Oct 112009

Hello werld! My name iz Edgar daKitty. I iz a plush kitty. I haz come ta live wif ma peeple n der kittehs. I haz a big brutter named Boris now. We iz tryin to make furends. He sends me out on missions ta places he cannot go.

Diz iz me n ma new brutter Boris!