Edgar daKitty

Apr 022011

I did sign up ovah at TokiPoki.com. Dey iz a great place fur anipals to meets and hang out. dey also offer up a missing pet alert section where u can hab ur pals halp find u iffen u wander off. And da humanz can print out flyers to post all ovah da place to lets everyone knows to be on da look out for you.

You can also chat with pals and join cool contest too.
Asides from all da cool online fings u also gets way cool trading cards to share wif ur pals IRL (dat’s in real life to dems wot not knows IRL).
So why not join me and ma brofur Boris Kitty ovah at TokiPoki.com?
Jan 012011

We had snows so I went out to inspekt it before Boris  went outside.

I found bunny tracks. I finks @ZackRabbit wuz here.
So I builded a snow bunny.
Den Boris comed out and inspekted ma werk.
He sed it wuz AOK.
Sep 162010

Human2 and I wented to BlogPaws West 2010. We sure had a great time, learned loads of fings and meeted tons of wunnerful peeples.

Dis ma firstest time on an airplane.

BZTAT painted dis cool painting for BlogPaws and me and Cokie and George wanted to pose wif it.

Dis da PAWSUM swag bag we gotted.

u caught me playin wif da litter MOL

They dunt lie it iz da world’s best cat litter.

we all felt da need to hang wif da award wot we did no win MOL

I dunt think me or Boris would fit in da Litter Robot.

habbin a glass of water n chillin in da room.

Ok when do we sign up for next years BlogPaws?

Aug 282010

I went wif human2 to Bark World Expo in Atlanta GA. Wot fun we had.

On r way to VA to meets @Yoda_the_dog’s human.

In da GMC Terrain on da way from VA to GA

Sweet ride huh?

me and Preston

Me and Niqqi

Me and Cosmo

Me and flat Brian

Me and Judy

Me and Hoke2

Me and George the Duck

Pawtyin wif da Shibber Cheetos and Hook-a-lopes.
May 072010

I wented to visit wif r Twitter pal @kittehboi aka Mr Breeze. Den r humanz wented to da Philadelphia Zoo to seed da way cool LEGO sculptures and of course da anipals der.

On da way to seed Mr Breeze.

Mr Breeze iz a beary nice house panther.

Relaxin at da Zoo

Seed da monkeys. I wants a monkey.

Da monkey’s ha dis way cool rain forest LEGO scene.

Hangin wif prehistoric anipals.

Iz dey real or iz dey LEGO? LEGO!

We stopped by to seed da BIG kittehs too.
Apr 052010

I dressed up az da Easter Bunny to hide eggs for Boris to find. We filled dem wif hiz favorite noms so he could sniff dem out.

He did ok during praktice.

He tried to get me to tell him where they all were.

He eventually finded all but one.