May 172011

Human2 got home and wuz told dat there’s boxes outside on the front porch. Herz send herz not ordered nuffin. Wot could it be? Well turns out it wuz all for me. Well da one box wuz more fur da foster monsters, but I will gets to dat later.

I did enter my pal Pumpkin’s (aka @PumpkinPuddy on twitter) blogiversary contest ovah on herz bloggy.

Da pwize wuz a NUTRO prize pack of lots of cool fings. I winned Nutro Natural Choice Indoor cat food (which is good cause I’m an indoor kitteh), some way cool toys and Feline Greenies….NOM NOM NOM.

I had to run and inspect da pwize even before it wuz all out of the box!

Fanks u NUTRO for da pawsum pwize. Guess I will share wif da foster monsters.

Here’s PK (aka Tippy cause of herz black ear tips and ZIppy cause herz gets da Zoooomies a lot) nommin on da Greenies we gotted. I finks herz likes Greenies! Drizzle da utter foster monster likes dem too but herz hid frum da flashy box.

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