Oct 272011

You have herd me talk abouts da 24+ kitties dat were dumped at One By One Cat Rescue in a sealed box. Well dem cutie pies are now up for adoption and some of dem alreddy gots der forever homes. YAY!

However, One By One is still paying for all da vet bills for having takin in so many sickly kitties and I would really appreciates your halp wif any donation you can make no matter da amounts. So far we haz raised $300 for da box kitties and One By One did really appreciates da donashuns dat Edgar did drop off at da Walk for da Animals and at da adoption day a few weeks ago. But can we do more? I finks we can.

It iz da season for giving and iffen u could drop $5 or $10 or more in our donashun buckets it would make da werld of a difference to dem kitties. And iffen you do I will sends you a personal fanks u wif ur very own Boris Kitty trading card inside (just ask da previous donations gibbers dey are receiving ders now). Fanks u!

But let’s make dis more interesting. How’s about a contesty too! You can wins a $25 CatToys.com eGift Certificate too! Just enter below by leaving a comment den get extra entries by tweetin, postin on FB and of course by makin a donation and enter it all into da rafflecopter fing below and u r entered to win dis cool prize dat u can use, give az a gift or turn around and donate da prize to One By One cause dem kitties will need fun stuff like toys too and u knows da donashuns go fur vet bills, food and medicines not toys.

So I gonna run dis chip and contest until November 30, 2011. So please tell all ur friends about the contesty and of course ask dem to please make a donation. Edgar wants to go see da kitties again.

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