My SCIFIpawty page is up and more info is coming. Bookmark this page for more information… https://www.boriskitty.com/scifipawty/
I haz been a very buzy kitteh werkin on gettin everyfin ready fur ma SCIFIpawty on Twitter on March 13th. Man dis iz a LOT of werks. Dis will be beary similar to @FrugalDougal‘s PawPawty but on a minute scale. More info and stuffs coming soon! Webby site still not der but it will be […reads more]
Human2 did werk hard at carvin out dat pumpkin ta looks just like me, but her not haz a stencil until today! Herz did werk just az hard at makin dis stencil so dat all anipals (and herz) can makin der very own ME-O-LANTERN for halloween! All u need iz a medium sized pumpkin. Den […reads more]
I still haz to get human2 to posting da pikshurs n writey up how wunnerful a day herz had at the 32nd annual Walk for the Animals for the Humane Society of Berks county. We just had a very busy weekends here. First da walkie on Saturday followed by dis months PawPawty on Twitter. We […reads more]
It is PawPawty dis weekend! da theme fur dis month iz Woodstock (kinda fittin since dat film Taking Woodstock comes out dis weekend too — wonder if dat wuz planned? U fink hollywood werks around da anipals schedules?) Des PawPawties iz great fun, but dey iz much more den dat too. Dey help raise awareness […reads more]
Update: Contesty ending early due to softwarez issue wif votey. So go votes and votes and votes, but no it endin on August 8, 2009 now so da votey no turns into ugly war! Anipals haz been askin where da contesty voting page! Well Slacker Human2 FINALLY gots it up and we haz so many […reads more]
I haz gotten a couple of way kewl prizes for dis weekends PawPawty over on Twitter. I found dis must fun doggy beer and had to get some for ma pals to try. And what fun is drinking beer (even dawg beer) wif out some toys? So for to go along wif da beer I […reads more]