Human2 and I did build our beary own PAWFLEET last week end. I halped build dis cute lil Enterprise and den we kept on buildin! Romulans entered da neutral zone! Inspectin da fleet….How did dat TARDIS get in here? Minimate Kirk u can no hides from me in […reads more]
Human1 collects Mona Lisa stuff so human2 and I set out to make her a cool Mona Lisa Mosaic out of the way cool nano blocks dat ma pal Zack Rabbit sent me fur ma birfaday prezzie. We made a cool lil Jack Skellington out of dem den started to werk on da Mona Lisa. […reads more]
I stumbled on dis pikshur da utter day and since it kinda werks wif ma Free Kittens post a few weeks back I thought I would share it wif u all here. U all knows I am a Catwoman fan by now, right? Unlike da anime kittehs dis should be easier. Can you name all […reads more]
Human2 saw these on da web and had to get some! We hab da first Catwoman sneakers already but need to get these more pawsumer ones too! Des are not only black instead of purple but hab a newer Catwoman and more kittehs! Da lil kitteh on the side wif dat MMMEEEEOOOOOOWWWWW! halped sell dem […reads more]
The folks at World’s Best Cat Litter have comed up with a new all natural, high performance clumping litter dat makes cleanin up da cat box dat much more betterer. Adding even more litters to der family of cat litters makes dem even better in ma book so now dey r known to me az […reads more]
I sent Human2 off to BarkWorld a few years ago and herz had a PAWSUM time. Met loads of great people and anipals, had a great time, and lerned TONS from da speakers. It wuz dat first BarkWorld dat we learned it not just fur doggy bloggers it fur all bloggers (even those wot not […reads more]
We all lub dat Busy Busy Buttons and herz needs r halp right now. Herz needs to hab herz teefs cleaned and dat big bump on her rump taken care of. You might remember a ways back dat herz sed da vet would not do it cause her liver enzymes were all out of whack […reads more]
We can put dis down in da fings dat makes me skreem n hide category! I hates ticks yuck!!! Historically considered a southern and south-central parasite, the lone star tick is progressively expanding northward and eastward, creating new concerns for pets and people in these areas of the country. This tick, known for the white, […reads more]
Human2 seed dis pawsum shirt at Comic Con da utter week and did furgets to go back and buys it. Fur shame on herz! (Herz also saw a pawsum one wif Grumpy Cat pokin out of a TARDIS but since neither Grumpy Cat or the BBC were gettin anyfin herz passed on dat one). But […reads more]
Who doz not lub Simon’s Cat? Dem videos are so cute n funny. So I thought I should end ma youtube comedy week wif he. H2 lubs dis one (it one of da newest cartoons from Simon’s Cat so u may hab alreddy seed it). H2 sez dis why we can no watch r birdy […reads more]