Nov 022014
Scooby-Doo Where R U?

Da Book The Secret of the Sea Creature by Laurie S. Sutton iz one of dem cool books dat u get to choose how da story turns out. So basically every time u read it u r reading a new story. Yay! Your furless kittens r gonna lub dis Scooby story (better get dem Scooby snacks […reads more]

Mar 312014
I Found Momo! Can You Find Momo?

A booky review of sorts. Wowzerz dat doggy Momo iz a fun guy! He started out az an instagram star and has now got a published book (why dun’t I hab a book deal yet?) called [amazon_link id=”1594746788″ target=”_blank” ]Find Momo[/amazon_link]. It iz in da same vein az Where’s Waldo but only cooler and more […reads more]

Mar 282014
Booky Review: Good Crooks Book Two: Dog Gone! by Mary Amato

[amazon_link id=”1606845101″ target=”_blank” ]Good Crooks Book Two: Dog Gone! [/amazon_link]by Mary Amato Dis book was kind of fun. I was a little worried at first since the kids parents are bad crooks, but the good crooks truly turn out to be good and do the right thing. We especially liked that the kids’ were tryin […reads more]

Mar 252014
Booky Review: Big Cat, Small Cat by Ami Rubinger

[amazon_link id=”0789210290″ target=”_blank” ]Big Cat, Small Cat by Ami Rubinger [/amazon_link]is anutter fun children’s book dat has the kids filling in the blanks in a fun way dat won’t make them feel like the are learning. And this book is even better than the previous book cause: 1) it is about opposites and not icky […reads more]

Mar 202014
Booky Review: Dog Number 1, Dog Number 10

[amazon_link id=”0789210665″ target=”_blank” ]Dog Number 1, Dog Number 10[/amazon_link] by Ami Rubinger iz a fun children’s book dat will hab dem rhyming and counting and learning without even knowing it.  Full of cute colorful dogs you’ll have fun reading it to your child but more fun once they start reading it to you. Book Description: Dog […reads more]