Edgar is out halp kittehs all ovah da werld. You knows he a travelling fool. Well dis summer he hung out wif Erin Gray (a super duper nice lady) and had his picture took wif her. Iffen u buy dis Buck Rogers tape you will halp him halp da kitteh cause a portion of dis […reads more]
Dats right dis kitty iz tryin to halp out da kids in our local school. Human1 works for the Reading School District and believes you me dey could use da support dat ur box tops could gib dem. Reading, PA iz officialy known az the poorest city in the country. Dats purrty sad izn’t it? […reads more]
Remember when I did gets a tent made by ma pal Snuffy Norton? I likes to using dat tent as a hideout to gets away frum dem monsters. It doz not always werk out da way I plans tho. Piper iz botherin me wif all dis string gettin! I gonna gib her a good thwok! […reads more]
Just wanted to share da linkies to my albums of pikshurs from past Walk for the Animals events. H2 haz loads of fun at these and we appreciate anyfin you can donates toward reach (or exceedin) our goal dis year. (silly us do no hab pikshurs of da first one we wented to sawry) 32nd […reads more]
Playin wif LEGO toys might looks like fun. But believe u me it iz hard werks. All da thwokkin and nommin of lil plastic bits can wear a kitteh out. Seems like Edgar iz da only one dat keeps on smilin even affer hours of playin. But dat understandable cause it iz monsters affer all […reads more]
It iz dat time of year agin when I come to you and askin for halp to halp da animals. It iz da 35th annual Walk for the Animals for Berks Humane Society and we iz doin it yet agin dis year. (Although Human2 still needs to get off herz butt n actually register for […reads more]
LEGO Star Wars TC-14 Protocol Droid Exclusive Chrome Minifigure Dis super cool and beary limited lil Lego dude iz out to halp dem kittehs and so can u. He sez dis iz da droid u r lookin fur. He wuz only available thru Lego stores n Lego.com on Star Wars Day. You know May the […reads more]