Jul 022011
Halp Name New VP Doggy & Raise Money Fur VetDogs

Procter & Gamble (P&G) Pet Care announced today that Euka, its V.P. of Canine Communications since 2003, will retire next spring after a good, long run of dedicated service. The 9-years-young Labrador, along with other members of her leadership team, conducted an extensive search for the best replacement and one dog stood out and met […reads more]

May 202011
ARL Donations

You knows how I takes all kinds of donations over to the Animal Rescue League of Berks County and usually come back with photos of Human2 playing with the kittehs too? Well yesterday when herz took over the doggy treats to the ARL and went in to play with the kitties as usual they YELLED […reads more]

Apr 082011
Halp HSBC Gets a Robot fur da Kittehs

Da Humane Society of Berks did sends dis in der last newsletter…. A New Way to Help HSBC Animals Interact with and Entertain Our Cats from Your PC iPet Companion is a novel program that lets you remotely control a robotic toy in a playroom full of adoptable cats from any PC. Try it out […reads more]