Oct 152011
More Donations for da Box Kitties Comed In Da Mail

Today’s mail brought wif it 2 great fings… My We Paws for Tatas t-shirt/cards and a nutter donation for da box kittehs at One By One Cat Rescue. A beary nice lady wot read ma bloggy but doz not hab paypal for da chip-in did asking us how herz could donate to da sweet little […reads more]

Oct 062011
It iz Pumpkin Time Agin

You all knows how much me and Human2 likes carvin our Halloween pumpkins. ESPECIALLY dem Boris-O-Lanterns. We had even did a Shawnee-O-Lantern and dis year we gonna try r paws at a Buttons-O-Lantern. And dis year we gonna cheat a lil bit for dem foster monsters. I finded kitteh stencils like da doggy ones afore […reads more]

Sep 242011
2011 Walk for the Animals

Today wuz da 34th Walk for the Animals held by da Humane Society of Berks County. We hab been doin da walk for 4 years now. Before we started doin the walk it used to come up past our house n da humanz would sit on da porch and watch da doggy parade go by. […reads more]