May 052011
Comic Kittehs

Human2 went to dis comic book show dat wuz down da street frum ma house. Herz wouldn’t takes me but herz come home wif a really cool drawin of lil ole me from artist Katie Cook. Katie wuz super nice and doz sooper dooper kitteh drawings. Check da kittehs in Star Wars helmets we gotted […reads more]

Apr 232011
Hoppy Easter

I just wanted to sez Hoppy Easter to all ma pals out der on da interwebs. Human2 and I did dig out last years LEGO easter bunny and den made an Easter basker wif eggs fur he.  And den today I did gets a beary nice Easter bunny card frum ma pal Spencer all da […reads more]

Apr 052011
Toesy Tuesday

Since der had been queshuns about my pawpaw pads I thought I would shows dem off on dis fine Toesy Tuesday. Dey be spotted likes ma pal Moo’s ovah at Your Daily Cute. Only us handsum mancats bootiful kittehs haz spotted paw pads. *whispers* Dunt minds ma calluses I digs in da sand box too […reads more]

Apr 032011
A Visit Wif JB Hippo

I had a very loverly visit wif my twitter pal @JBHippo today. Herz comed to pick up herz SCIFIpawty pwizes and to meets me. Hippo did reads da instrukshuns on how to survive a zombie attack, cuase u neber knows when dat can happen. Den we got down to business….da business of habbin funs. We […reads more]