Dec 252009

Remember I hads ta wait fur xmas day da openin ma gifts frum ma pal Petie? Well I did finally gets ta open dem and lookit all da cool prezzies I did gets!

Den I gotted a couple of fings frum ma Humanz too! I thoughted dey had alreddy gibbed me all ma prezzies fur pawpawty. But I gotted even more!

Cause ma humanz calls me Moose fur a nikname, dey did get me diz cool noo moosey furend ta hangs wif!

And I also gotted dis cool Zhu-Zhu pet frum ma humanz too. Dey tells me it will be more fun once I gets da accessories fur dem. But since dis iz (or wuz) da hottest toy fur da howlidays dis year (n I gotted one!)

But just likes any gud kitteh ma prezzies n noo furends weren’t ma favorite fings i gotted fur catmas. I love da box! It iz ma favorite toy of all time.

N playin wif a paper ball is pawsum too! I iz lookin real ahrds fur dat ball I just nose it wented under dis fing….but I can no sees it!

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